Backyard Birds of Southern Ontario

Blue Jay

The blue jay is resident in southern Ontario. Larger than the Northern cardinal, the blue jay has a crest and its plumage features a lovely blue, white and black backside and a white underbelly. The blue jay has a loud, distinctive and rather aggressive cry when perched in a tree. It is definitely not a song bird. Often, you will hear other nearby blue jays returning its call.

Blue jays are known for eating acorns. However, they also like sunflower seeds and suet, as well as peanuts. When eating, they vigorously peck at the sunflowers to open them.

Blue jays drink water and bath in the bird bath on hot days. While they do not bathe as frequently as robins, their bathing is as enthusiastic as that of the robin.

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Eating, drinking and bathing

This compilation video features various blue jays eating from the feeder as well as drinking water and bathing in the bird bath.

The video is hosted on YouTube because of its large file size. New segments will be added weekly.